CT Scanner Review
“Christmas cheer!”

New modern scanner

The new LOGIQ E10 Ultrasound Imaging system purchased by the Lymington Hospital Friends, features a multitude of advanced technologies which, when combined with versatile probes and advanced computer technology, delivers exceptional image quality supporting exceptional diagnostic capabilities.

The new advanced Artificial Intelligence-based tools help increase exam efficiency. This means that the sonographer can concentrate on the patient and the examination whilst also reducing the amount of ‘button pressing’ required to obtain high quality imaging. This, in turn, further reduces strain which helps to reduce sonographer related musculoskeletal injuries associated with undertaking ultrasound examinations.

This new equipment enables clinicians to acquire extraordinary images across a broad spectrum of patients. With incredible uniformity the system’s advanced imaging technology delivers excellent penetration power even in high-BMI patients which is often a huge diagnostic challenge in ultrasound imaging. The new probe technology, powerful high fidelity and broad bandwidth allow the production of high resolution images whether scanning superficial or deep targets, or at any point in between.

Since taking delivery of the new ultrasound scanner in earlier this year, the clinical staff have found significant benefit from when compared to the older and redundant equipment. The new scanner has improved staff wellbeing and morale and patients have benefited from improved diagnostic images, thereby facilitating appropriate treatment for many medical conditions.

The team are very proud of the new equipment and very grateful to the Lymington Hospital Friends for their support in the purchase of the new ultrasound scanner.

Simon Bendell, Clinical Specialist Sonographer

Messages from staff …

  • “we were only able to recently purchase a next- generation Ultrasound system with a donation of £61,300 from Lymington Hospital Friends”
  • “YOUR donations mean Lymington Hospital now uses cutting edge technology to improve patient diagnoses”
  • “our new ultrasound helps us achieve exceptional image quality, clarity, consistency, and confidence”
  • “we are now performing a wider range of clinical applications – head to toe, all body shapes and sizes, young to elderly”

What patients say …

  • “the operator reassured me that my scan was positive”
  • “thank you to everyone involved in fundraising for this amazing equipment”

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CT Scanner Review
“Christmas cheer!”