Beth Marathon Stroke Appeal
Very Successful Open Evening

Friends Open Evening
Lymington Hospital Atrium (Ground floor)
Wednesday 19 June
from 6:00pm to 8:00pm

Please come and join us to find out more about the charitable work of our trustees and volunteers to help improve patient care at Lymington Hospital.

This will be an informal event for existing and new friends, with presentations from the trustees and hospital staff to review our recent and planned future projects.

You will have the opportunity to ask questions about our future plans and learn more about volunteering opportunities and fundraising.

We have also arranged a tour of the Radiology and Endoscopy units to see Lymington’s amazing modern range of diagnostic facilities, many of which have been purchased with donations from the Friends.

Light refreshments will be provided.


Numbers will be limited, so to help us prepare for this event… please respond using this link if you would like to join us.

Or contact the office in person or by phone on 01590 663036 (if the office is unattended you can leave a message).

Please reply by Friday 14 June. Thank you.

We look forward to meeting you on the 19th of June.

Trustees and Ian (Ops Manager)

Beth Marathon Stroke Appeal
Very Successful Open Evening