Saturday 2nd of May should have seen crews taking to the water at Milford beach for the first rowing regatta of the Hants and Dorset season. However due to the issued lockdown measures it was unable to be held. Not prepared to be beaten, Lymington Rowing Club set up a fun ‘socially distanced’ competition and raised some money for Lymington Hospital in the process.
Great effort
Thanks to all the wonderful LRC members for taking part and for supporting our hospital, its patients and staff.
Click on the leaderboard table (above) to see the amazing performances!
Message from Olivia
Olivia Bull … see ‘action squat jump’ shot below … set up the lockdown challenge as a fundraiser for Lymington Hospital Friends … using our Just Giving site.
“Participants had the opportunity to take part in as many or few of the events as they wished donating their entry money to Lymington Hospital Friends.The events of the day included 500m ergo, 1k run, 1 mile bike ride, press ups in a minute, squat jumps in a minute and the Stafford relay challenge, which was worked out by collating highest scoring families.We had a fantastic day in the sunshine competing at distance with members from our own and other clubs from the south coast including, Christchurch, Southampton, Southsea and Shanklin on the Isle of Wight”.
Olivia and her father time their own personal squat jump and press up challenges.